Monday, March 27, 2006

Dagens kontaktannons

Så konstigt det kan bli... Nedanstående är hämtat direkt ur en känd kontaktsite, där folk letar brevvänner, aktivitetsvänner, romantik mm. Det finns en hel del sånt, där japaner och japanskor letar nån att lära sig engelska med... Men ibland direktöversätter de lite för mycket och då blir resultatet rätt skojig. Bilden hör till annonsen. Den tog jag med för jag tyckte att annonsen lät så overkligt och ville visa att det inte är nån "he" eller "it"...

Hon heter "pure104e" och är 21 år, letar efter en vän att dejta mellan 18 och 25:
"My appearance is rolled by long hair like a photograph, and is hair. A charming feature is an eye. My character is bright and it feels relieved. But lonely one is disagreeable. A hobby likes taking seeing a movie, listening to music, making cooking, shopping, and a bath. He also likes an animal and it is kept two cats and one dog. The men of my type are those who are gentle and always consider my thing. He likes a muscularity person. But past muscularity is not so good. Although a little English may not be able to be done, various talks consider as the man in the world, and it wants to receive and to make friends. Height 155 cm, weight 50 kg. My favorite movies are "BLADE" and "BALADE2" He likes action very much. It is exciting!! All music likes me. Music will be listened to if there is even spare time. My friends say about me that it feels relieved. It is always with smile. The time of taking a bath together with KOYUKI of a cat is very fortunate. I do not so like getting angry. Sexiness is felt for a person also with beautiful appearance and inside. It is still good recollections to have gone to Finland by the school trip of a high school. It is very pleasant that it can go to travel with a friend, and I can consider. I want to carry out skilled so that it may become good recollections. A man like a soccer player's Beckham and ILHAN is an ideal."

Kom att tänka på det. Jag låter säkert minst lika fånig när jag försöker göra mig förstådd på japanska...

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